...Meet Our Staff…Our staff consists of a variety of mental health professionals. Our doctors have experience in child and adolescent psychiatry, with years of experience treating addiction and mental health disorders. Our physicians, nurses and o...
...Helpful Resources…NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for acc...
...Understanding Behavioral Health Issues…When it comes to behavioral health, knowledge is an important tool that can help you find the most appropriate treatment plans for you or your loved one. The following signs may indicate that it’s time t...
...Frequently Asked Questions…Below are some frequently asked questions regarding Hill Crest Behavioral Health Services. If you require additional information or have questions not addressed here, please call 205-833-9000 or 800-292-8553, and our...
...Refer a Patient…Hill Crest Behavioral Health Services offers confidential assessments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A referral from a provider is not required. However, we encourage providers to be involved in the referral process to help our...
...Inpatient Hospitalization for Adults…Hill Crest Behavioral Health Services follows a whole health approach when treating mental illness. The whole health approach uses virtually every aspect of the patient’s life as a factor in treatment. Con...
...Careers at Hill Crest Behavioral Health Services…Your passion, inspiration, and talents are invaluable to us and our mission to serve others. Our facility can provide a place for you to thrive and continue your professional development. View ou...
...Treatment for Adults…According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one in five adults in the United States live with a mental illness. If you have concerns about yourself or a loved one, Hill Crest Behavioral Health Services is h...
...Higdon Hill School…Higdon Hill School, a division of Hill Crest Behavioral Health Services, is a private, residential specialized treatment center in Birmingham, Alabama that provides education to students in a therapeutic setting. It is a more...
...Higdon Hill Group Home Program…Higdon Hill Group Home, a service of Hill Crest Behavioral Health Services, offers the opportunity for recipients that have completed the RTC program, or demonstrate a need for monitoring in a group home setting t...